Apply now to join the ProPublica Local Reporting Network

ProPublica is expanding its Local Reporting Network, part of its growing effort to help local journalists pursue meaningful accountability stories in their communities.

We are now accepting applications for six more news organizations to do investigative projects as part of our network. The group will begin work on July 1 and continue for a year.

With support from a new grant, we will pay the salary (up to $75,000), plus an allowance for benefits, for full-time reporters. Applications are due April 26, and selected reporters will begin work on July 1. (We’re also posting jobs for a senior editor, production designer, news applications developer, engagement reporter and research fellow to work on our staff with these reporters.)

ProPublica’s first group of seven local reporters produced a strong body of work last year, exposing lapses in worker safety at nuclear facilities, failures in public housing, the devastating toll of post-traumatic stress disorder on first respondersand stunning miscarriages of justice in Indiana, among others.

So far this year, we are working with 14 new projects — half involving state government, the rest on issues of local importance. This further expansion will bring the total of newsrooms and projects for 2019 to 20.

If your organization is selected, the reporter will continue to work in your newsroom, but they will receive extensive guidance and support from ProPublica. Their work will be published or broadcast by your newsroom and simultaneously by ProPublica.

National news organizations are not eligible to apply; all other newsrooms are, regardless of size or medium. It can be a small newspaper, website, radio or TV station, or anything else that reaches your community. We are not looking to fund day-to-day beat coverage, but instead to enable your organization to do ambitious accountability projects that would not otherwise be done.

Learn more here.

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